Green Economy Fund RFP FAQs

CHPE Green Economy Fund - Frequently Asked Questions




1. Would the fund consider existing High School “Green Team" programs?

At this time, the GEF is focused on funding workforce development programs and organizations providing wrap-around services that link graduates from the target population to careers in the green economy and eliminate barriers.


2. Would you consider a planning proposal to develop a job training track?

At this time, we are not considering funding planning proposals.


3. Can an organization submit more than one application to provide wraparound services on two different partnerships with green workforce development organizations?

 We suggest each organization submit their strongest application as we do not expect to fund an organization twice in one round of funding.


4. We operate a youth educational program that prepares individuals for the green economy, however, there is not a formal job placement or wrap-around service component of the program. Are we a good fit for this grant opportunity?

 No, at this time the intent of the GEF is to fund workforce development programs that link graduates to careers in the green economy and/or programs providing wraparound services that eliminate barriers to entry into the green economy in partnership with qualifying jobs training programs.




5. While we are based in New York, we are not located in one of those counties. Do you advise that we apply to your program nonetheless, or would we be unlikely to win the grant given our location?

Organizations throughout New York State are eligible to receive funding. As described in the "VI. Evaluation Overview" section of the RFP, there are extra points for programs / organizations located in counties intersected by the CHPE route, where the target population will be impacted by construction of the transmission line. Therefore, it's an advantage to be along the CHPE route, but not required.


6. As a New York City-based organization, I want to make sure that we are eligible since we are located within New York State but serving only New York City participants.

Please refer to the answer above.


Application Format


7. Is the budget outside of the 5-page limit?



8. Our 990s are 43 pages long. Do you want all the pages?

Yes. This is outside of the page limit.


9. Can you explain the reporting template? Do we fill in the whole thing at this time, and if so, is it also an attachment outside of the 5-page limit?

The purpose of these reporting templates is to establish metrics that track and report progress towards the overall goal of the grant. Payments to the grantees from the GEF will be linked to predetermined milestones and the CHPE team will work with the applicants to build out the same.
All sections of the reporting template need to be completed and this attachment is outside of the 5-page limit.


10. Are there any guidelines regarding font size/spacing?

We do not have specific guidelines; however, we expect applicants will use reasonable judgment in this area.


11. Can we provide additional attachments, such as partnership agreements and/or letters of support?

 Yes, and attachments such as partnership agreements, letters of support, the budget, leadership & financial information are outside of the page limit.


12. Measures of Success: Do we provide either Workforce Development or Wraparound Services metrics, whichever is relevant to our proposed use of funds? And do you want us to use that specific format, i.e., including both inputs and outputs?

 Yes, provide the most relevant metrics to your proposal. You may present metrics in whatever way is clear and customary for your grant applications.


13. Reporting Template: Are applicants required to submit this as part of the application, or is this completed after organizations are selected for awards?

Please fill out the Reporting Template as part of the application. Selected finalists will work with the GEF team to refine and finalize these.


14. We are looking to submit an application for general operating. If that's the case, can we submit our current organization's budget for the budget requirement?

 Yes, but please specify how the funds will be allocated for general operating.


15. Does the RFP require a budget? After reading through the document and looking at the appendixes, I can't seem to find a budget template or budget narrative requirement.

We are requesting a proposed budget but don't have a budget template that we prefer. Please submit whatever makes most sense to describe your project's needs. Specifically, the request for the proposed budget is referenced in subsection V. B. 3. on page 4 of the RFP.


Structure of Funding


16. We’d like to propose a multi-year project. How should we handle that in the budget?

In this Round 1 of the GEF funding, we are accepting proposals for grants to be spent within one year. Applicants may be considered for additional funding in future rounds of the GEF, but multi-year grants will not be made at this time.


17. Is there a timeline for subsequent rounds of funding for this opportunity?

This will be made public as plans are confirmed.


Green Jobs


18. Is there a definition of green economy and/or green jobs that you are using?

“Jobs in the green economy” is defined in the RFP as skilled trade and manufacturing jobs in renewable energy, energy efficiency, green buildings, sustainable transport, and other jobs created to counter climate change.

This broad definition is reflective of the fact that there are many types of jobs that support the transition to clean energy in New York State.


19. We’re concerned that the term “green jobs” is too amorphous. What are some examples of certifications the grantor is thinking of?

This broad definition of 'green jobs' is reflective of the fact that there are many types of jobs that support the transition to clean energy in New York State. We don't have certain certifications in mind. Certifications tend to vary based on the career path they are useful for, and some career paths in clean energy don't have associated certifications. Therefore, if there is a certain career path you are seeking to train people for, you could research if there are any relevant certifications.


20. How are Green Jobs defined?  Are there specific job titles sought?

“Jobs in the green economy” is defined in the RFP as skilled trade and manufacturing jobs in renewable energy, energy efficiency, green buildings, sustainable transport, and other jobs created to counter climate change. This broad definition is reflective of the fact that there are many types of jobs that support the transition to clean energy in New York State.

Specific job titles for entry level positions in clean energy might include 'installer' or 'technician', but there are many others. If you search for clean energy companies active in New York State, you might be able to see what jobs they have in demand.